Is it difficult to find time to leave work to make it to a therapy appointment and it would be nice to stay at your office?
Is the only time to yourself during your child’s nap time and you are unable to leave?
Do you experience difficulty with mobility and getting to an office is a challenge?
Do you live in a rural area with limited provider or long wait times?
Do you just prefer to stay home?
Photo by @aleksow via Unsplash
If you said yes to any of the questions above,
telemental health sessions may be for you.
Telemental health/telemedicine is “when a health care practitioner uses HIPAA-compliant, interactive, real-time audio and video telecommunications (including web-based applications) or store and forward technology to deliver covered services that are within his or her scope of practice to a client at a site other than the site where the provider is located.” (Washington Admin. Code 182-531-1730(1)).
Photo by @thisisengineering via Unsplash
Telehealth is a creative and adaptable way to provide mental health service. Despite it’s effectiveness and validated research, there are benefits and risks and it is not appropriate for everyone. Some people find that the technology or the video distracts them from their services. Clients can request to stop using telehealth at any time without judgment or repercussions. You and your therapist will assess for fit for telehealth services.
Clients are responsible for establishing a private and secure space to participate in telehealth sessions.